works info




The resin used for these works cures exothermically. Thick layers get fantastically hot. Considerable care had to be taken to ensure that the Out works retained the same sheer surface as the metal from which they derived. This required that several thin layers of resin be laminated with glass fibre. For these wobbly works such prudence was abandoned: after lashing down the work's edges, a very thick layer of resin was poured into the reverse and allowed to cure. The resulting heat caused the surface to deform.

Or: lazily trying to save time the artist poured too much resin into a small work and it went wrong. He then made some more.


Wobble II (Out), 2015

Silver, deposited dirt, epoxy resin, glass fibre, honeycomb aluminium 69 x 48 cm


Wobble I (Out), 2014

Silver, deposited dirt, epoxy resin, glass fibre, honeycomb aluminium 21 x 16 cm


Wobble III (Out), 2015

Silver, deposited dirt, epoxy resin, glass fibre, honeycomb aluminium 48 x 35 cm

Wobble IV (Out), 2015

Silver, deposited dirt, epoxy resin, glass fibre, honeycomb aluminium 48 x 35 cm